Knowingly or unknowingly..when something cascades how the effect will be.
A small background : One employee wanted to convey a message to his team that, he will be offline after4PM.
His message was "WFT Today. Offline after 4"...
See the cascading effect explaining what is WFT (It was suppose to be WFH - Work From Home)
Is it working from train?
Or might be "Working From Terrace"???
Could be "Working from Timbuctoo" for all we know :)
Working from Temple??? ( (today is shivaratri, just curious))
Oh I got it….. “Work from Tommorow”
Thinking out of the box, it could be Wi Fi Trouble, that’s why offline after 4!!
Wi Fi Trouble or WiFe Trouble ;-) Just kidding.
Or was it a typo for WTF…(What the…) ;)
May be “Working Full Time”… just taking a chance J
I got it ..Work For Target J
Working from tent :P
I guess it must be ‘Working from train’ if travelling !!
Why not ‘Working From Toilet’ “No personal offenses meant whatsoever”
Maybe “Work Fullof Tension”. Hence going offline after 4 J
Guess many are workaholicJ!! How about Wanna have Fun Time Today……? Hence going offline after 4 J
May be Work From Theatre after the show is over offline at 4
Working Full time Today J Offline after 4 am..
According to , it means "Well F*** That or Misspelling of WTF" J
Now I understand why we call this bglr-masala !! Ok my 2 cents.. “ work from Taxi”
How about “working for Timepass J”
Nice World cup match between Ireland and England...So why not World cup Fever Today :)